Kalibo, Aklan - The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) here has completed major infrastructure projects seen to further propel Aklan as an eco-tourism destination.
The list of these completed projects in Aklan was displayed by the DPWH here during the Statistical Exhibit held recently at the Provincial Trade Hall as one of the highlights of the province’ observance of the 20th National Statistics Month.
The major projects, reported by the DPWH to have been all completed on October 30 of this year include the Aklan East Road, costing P33,000,000.00; Altavas-Jamindan Road, P4,000,000.00; Caticlan Port Access Road, P10,000,000.00 and Kalibo Airport, Pook, P8,331,000.00.
The Caticlan-Malay Libertad Road, on the other hand, was completed by the DPWH on May 30, 2009 yet, with a project cost of P4,000,000.00.
Other various projects completed by DPWH located in different areas of the province include the construction of 1 classroom each in Balabag, Malay, Aklan; Tamalagon, Tangalan; Makato Integrated School; Boracay NHS; Ibajay, Aklan; Rizal Elementary School (Ibajay) and Manoc-Manoc in Boracay; construction of Flood Control/Seawall Protection-Jackstone Method at Tambak, New Washington; Caano Road, and Multi-Purpose buildings in Mandong, Batan, Tigayon, Kalibo, and Poblacion, Kalibo.
Completion dates of these projects ranged from the months of July to October of this year.
In August of this year, the DPWH also completed four water systems – Ibajay with P1,000,000.00 project cost; Libacao, P500,000.00; Tangalan, P1,000,000.00 and Malinao, P500,000.00.
These recently-completed projects were implemented by the DPWH here under the watch of its District Engineer, Roberto J. Cabigas.
Other big projects implemented and inaugurated in the province were the Ibajay Bridge in Ibajay, Aklan, inaugurated by no less than President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in June 2008 and the Camaligan Bridge in Camaligan, Batan, Aklan.
Besides the DPWH, 13 other national and provincial agencies participated in the Statistical Exhibit, which had an overall theme “Enhancing Security Sector Statistics for Good Governance, Peace and Sustainable Development. (PIA/Venus G. Villanueva)

DPWH-Aklan personnel led by District Engineer Roberto J. Cabigas (right) inside their exhibit booth during the Statistical Exhibit at the Provincial Trade Hall, one of the highlights of the observance of National Statistics Month in the province. The DPWH displayed statistical data and pictures of completed infrastructure projects in Aklan. (PIA/VGV)